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The North East Roots Fund

Bringing opportunity home

The North East Roots Fund has been launched to strengthen communities with the support of those who share a special passion for the region. We want to unite people and businesses behind a vision for a vibrant, competitive North East full of opportunity.

The initiative is for people with links to the area who would like to give back. You may have been born or educated, or have lived or worked, in the North East. Anyone who cares about the region and its people is welcome to get involved.


Through the North East Roots Fund, we aim to:

  • Inspire people with a passion for the North East to give back
  • Celebrate the global impact and success stories of people from the North East
  • Address regional inequalities, build aspiration and create opportunity
  • Promote, and rally behind, a vision of a thriving, beautiful and competitive North East
  • Grow an active network motivated to unleash the region’s potential

Download the brochure

Our goal is to raise at least £1m for a permanent fund that will support local charities and community organisations which help create opportunities, reduce inequalities and sustain the region, covering the following themes.

  • Pathways to opportunity: we want to get ahead of the long-term regional trends of low-incomes and vulnerability to cost-of-living rises, helping strengthen the foundations for a competitive economy. So, we will support young people to find their passions and take up opportunities through funding education, skills, workforce and enterprise activities.
  • Essentials for thriving communities: we know that children and families in many North East communities struggle to get ahead without support for life’s essentials. So, the Fund will back community organisations focused on health, wellbeing and inclusion, as well as the provision of vibrant community spaces that bring people together.
  • Inspiring places and spaces: – the region has an incredible heritage, environment and culture. The North East Roots Fund will help ensure they are protected and nurtured so their benefits continue for generations to come.

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How to get involved

1. Give

Donations of all levels to the Fund are gratefully received. Anyone who pledges to give or raise at least £1,000 by the end of 2025 will be recognised as a member of our North East Roots Founder’s Club. Every donation will be split 50/50 between endowment (invested to produce funds for grants in perpetuity) and funding for immediate grants, meaning we can build lasting impact while also addressing community needs right away. With the support of generous Community Foundation donors we can match donations received before the end of  2024, making your gift go even further.


2. Join

The North East Roots Fund is a network like no others. Sign up for updates on the Fund and our future events, and stay in touch with others who share your passion for giving back to the North East. Contact John Hollingsworth, Chief Philanthropy Officer using the contact form at the bottom of the page, and follow the Community Foundation on LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook and Instagram for updates.


3. Share

Help us expand the North East Roots network.

  • Make connections: we welcome introductions to people and businesses with a connection to the North East. Please send your suggestions to John Hollingsworth using the contact form at the bottom of the page.
  • Host an event: do you have a space where North East expats could meet? We’d love to work with you on hosting an event in support of the North East Roots Fund.

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