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Sector Support

Access training and pro bono support for your charity or community organisation.

As well as offering grants, the Community Foundation offers a sector support programme to advise applicants as well as strengthen governance, income generation and planning. Through the programme we offer advice, broker training and development and match individuals offering time and skills to help groups in our area be more effective and resilient. We also work with partners to deliver workshops and seminars on a range of topics covering legal, HR, marketing and building related issues.

Time to Talk

If you want to find out more about our funding, come along to one of our bi-monthly Time to Talk sessions. Sessions are open to staff, trustees and volunteers from groups seeking funding, and to people and organisations who advise them on making applications.


Time to Talk gives an opportunity to share thoughts, ideas, good practice, and understand more about how we work. Sessions are run online, at our office, and at locations around the region. Advance booking is essential and we limit numbers for in person events to one per group (unless you have a support worker or carer with you).

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Training and events

Alongside our in-house support we also partner with a range of organisations to deliver free and reduced priced workshops and seminars. We regularly host events with the Ethical Property Foundation covering a range of building management related issues. We have worked with Muckle LLP, Ward Hadaway and Wrigley’s on topics from furlough to collaborative working; with Accenture on Using Teams and Sail Creative on story-telling.


To ensure you don’t miss out subscribe to our newsletter. These sessions are driven by requests from the charitable sector so, if there’s a topic you need help with, get in touch and we’ll see if we can deliver a session for you and others like you that need support.

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Trustee Match

Trustee Match members are offered a wide range of learning and support opportunities, including an initial one-to-one discussion, webinars and informal gatherings to explore the trustee role, in addition to complementary training provided by our partners.

If you are interested in becoming a trustee, please complete the Advisor Registration form Organisations seeking trustees are supported to increase diversity and explore new governance models to enhance inclusion and resilience. Previous training has included ‘Diversity and Boardroom Behaviour’ for CEOs and Chairs of charities. If your organisation is seeking new trustees please complete the Organisation Registration form


If you would like to know more about Trustee Match, get in touch with Colette using the contact form at the bottom of the page

Advisor Registration Form Organisation Registration Form

What our Trustee Match members say

The Trustee Match Scheme is a wonderful opportunity for anyone who wishes to join a Board, and support organisations across the North East. It can be difficult finding the right organisation, and fully understanding your responsibilities, but the Community Foundation has great resources to help everyone.

Trustee Match member

I am extremely grateful to the Community Foundation’s Trustee Match. I went to the Community Foundation as we have worked with them over the years and can rely on them for understanding, helpfulness and professionalism. NIWE has successfully recruited excellent trustees through the scheme. The process was clear and straightforward and staff followed up to check that all was well. I would highly recommend it!

Ann Dymyd
Chief Executive, NIWE

I am very grateful for the opportunity to help them and looking forward to supporting them to review their strategy and recruit new trustees.

ION Charity Consulting

We are thrilled to be working alongside Community Foundation. So far this relationship has helped us widen our charity network massively, we are incredibly grateful for all of the new connections provided by Colette from Community Foundation. We are looking forwards to the future and the exciting opportunities this holds

Accenture Newcastle Charity Team

That was a good choice [of consultant] and went extremely well and we are hoping to have another meeting with them shortly

Beneficiary organisation

Skills Match

Skills Match links individuals and business partners with charities to provide a wide range of pro-bono support on topics including strategic planning, HR and digital media. Support is offered through a combination of one-to-one consultation, webinars and workshops. We are thrilled to be working with Accenture, Muckle LLP, Sail Creative, Wrigley’s LLP and Young Trustees Network, in addition to independent consultants.


If you would like to know more about Skills Match, get in touch with Colette using the contact form at the bottom of the page