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Media and publicity

Help us create passionate stories about people and projects in North East England

Share your stories

By sharing the stories of your work and the Community Foundation’s support, you help us raise awareness of philanthropy, generate interest in community issues encouraging more giving and funding to make a difference.


Sharing with the press


If you share your stories with the press we ask you to include information about us. Below is the standard text about the Community Foundation which you should include in any media releases about work we have supported:


The Community Foundation matches generous people with important community causes. Every year, the Foundation award grants to hundreds of small charities in Tyne & Wear and Northumberland, and across North East England, through funds set up by a range of donors. The Newcastle-based charity, the UK’s biggest Community Foundation, has built an endowment of over £xx million to build a portfolio of funds that tackles the vital issues in our community. For further information please call Adam Lopardo, Director of External Relations on 0191 222 0945, or email al@communityfoundation.org.uk

Sharing on social media

We also encourage you to talk about our support on social media by using mentions, profile links and hashtags in your posts. You can find us on: