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Supporting capital projects within Gateshead

The Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Fund

Max Grant Size: £25000

Rolling grant fund

Location(s): Gateshead

Apply online

About The Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Fund

The Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) is a charge made by local authorities on new building developments in their area, for example, when new housing is constructed.

The CIL Fund supports capital projects within Gateshead and applications will be considered from voluntary, community and social enterprise sector organisations.

The CIL Fund will only consider applications for capital projects of benefit to local communities and funds are limited so please apply as soon as possible; once the available funds are allocated, the fund will close.

Applications must outline the proposed capital project and the benefits for the local community. You can apply for up to £25,000, although larger grants will be considered where there is significant community impact.

Applications will be considered from voluntary, community and social enterprise sector organisations, based in the following wards, and within the following grant ranges. Larger grants may be considered where there is significant community impact, and where funds are available.

Current Funding

Winlaton and High Spen (£25,028 available) applications considered up to £25,000

Ryton, Crawcrook and Stella (£68,526 available) applications considered up to £25,000

Lamesley Ward (£33,717 available) applications considered up to £25,000


What to include

Applications must outline the proposed capital project and the benefits for the local community; applications from organisations based outside the target ward may also be considered, where it can be demonstrated that they will benefit the community within the target ward. Applicants must demonstrate sustainability, with no ongoing revenue costs for Gateshead Council.

Applicants will also need to provide copies of the following documents with their application:

• Project budget and quotes for the work or items to be purchased

• Copies of relevant insurance policies and asset register For capital building works, the following must also be provided:

• Evidence that any capital works have been approved by the owner of the building

• Architect and surveyor reports or information on any relevant permissions that will be required, for example the Part Wall act or building regulations and use of the competent person scheme

Please note that applications will not be considered if appropriate documentation is not submitted. 

Decision making

Decisions on applications will be made by an Advisory Panel, which includes representatives of the Ward under consideration, Gateshead Council and the Community Foundation.

To make an application, please click here