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Sunderland charity helps reduce isolation and loneliness in their community

A Sunderland charity has been offering activities for some of the most isolated residents in their community, helping to reduce loneliness and encourage participation. CHANCE (Community Help and Neighbourly Care for Everyone) received a grant from the Linden Family Fund at the Community Foundation Tyne & Wear and Northumberland to run a series of activity groups for their members including crafts, afternoon teas and family history. 

Working in coordination with their own Community Befriender, CHANCE are able to support older, isolated residents in their homes, but also encourage them to attend the charities centre in Hendon. At the centre they can take part in a variety of groups but mainly, have the opportunity to socialise with other people.

Su Legg, Senior Philanthropy Advisor at the Community Foundation said: 

“CHANCE is in an area where there is a high proportion of people over 50 living with long term illness. Some are in care complexes, living semi-independently and others live around the community living in flats and bungalows. Through their work, CHANCE have identified a real need and through this grant from the Linden Fund, they are able to offer support to those most in need”. 

The service is open to residents over 50 but CHANCE welcome anyone of any age who present as being lonely and isolated. Through 2022, 238 people benefitted from the activities on offer. 

Julie Maven, Centre Manager at CHANCE said: 

“The grant enabled us to work with some of the most isolated and vulnerable residents in the area. The groups played games, bingo, dominoes and did jigsaws. They enjoyed lunch and even made some lovely nautical themed models to give to the Lifeboat. We continue to grow the Befriending Service and are extremely grateful that the Linden Family Fund saw the potential of such a project and funded it”.