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The GeNErosity Festival launched on Wednesday 7 November to a packed room in the Great Hall at the Discovery Museum.
The Festival tells the story of philanthropy in North East England, past, present and future, through events, roadshows and cultural activities across the region. The Festival is brought to you in partnership by the Community Foundation Tyne & Wear and Northumberland and Newcastle University, and will run until 27 November 2018.
Over three years, Newcastle University has carried out extensive research into the motivations behind philanthropy and the wide range of causes that modern philanthropists support. Highlights were presented at the Festival Launch by Professor Charles Harvey whose research team has created profiles of more than 250 philanthropists, beneficiaries, trusts and foundations which are available on the GeNErosity Festival website here.
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Professor Charles Harvey, Director of the Centre for Research on Entrepreneurship, Wealth and Philanthropy, said:
“Through the ages, philanthropy – the voluntary giving of money or time – has made a tangible difference to our local communities. People will be amazed to learn how many landmarks, buildings and parks were donated by acts of giving. Without philanthropists, our region would be so different and we wouldn’t have achieved some of the tremendous things we have.”
As well as revealing the research, the launch event also included the premiere of a short film especially commissioned for the event.
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“What does philanthropy mean to us?” features major philanthropists doing great thing for charitable causes across the region and highlights how philanthropy can be deeply personal to the few who give their money and time to good causes, while the impact of these donations positively effects the many.
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As well as the film screening, guests at the launch event were also treated to a flash mob-style performance by the award-winning November Club, with actors and young people presenting a dramatic representation of what philanthropy means to them.
The launch, which took place at Newcastle’s Discovery Museum, also involved community groups and charitable causes from across the region who know first-hand what philanthropy means and the positive impact it can have on beneficiaries.
For more information on all the events taking place throughout the GeNErosity Festival, visit
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