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Important notice about future grant applications

articleindex follow modules Array 1 Important notice about temporary grants closure from Monday 2 December 2019 to Monday 20 January 2020

This December, the Community Foundation will be implementing a new IT system to manage our grants and back office.

The new system will help us work more efficiently and have a range of new features that should make applying and reporting to us simpler and quicker.

Not all these features will be available immediately but will be rolled out over time. Features that are planned include being able to check where your application is in the eligibility/assessment process, view when you last submitted key supplementary documents and request an update to details we hold about you and your organisation.

 What this change means is we will need to take a short break in accepting applications whilst we transition from our old system and learn the new system. To avoid the most disruption to applicants we’ve chosen to close during the Christmas period when grant applications tend to be at their lowest.

We closed for new applications from Monday 2 December 2019.

We will reopen for new applications on Monday 20 January 2020.

Please note that this closure is only for new applications to the Community Foundation. We won’t stop working on applications we’ve already received but only if they are fully completed with all supporting documents supplied as requested. If the application was incomplete at the time we closed it will be withdrawn and you’ll have to reapply when we reopen. Applications to The 1989 Willan Charitable Trust will still be accepted at

This closure will mainly affect our general applications as deadlines for specific funds and programmes will be set to allow for the closure.

If you’re planning on making an application to us in the coming months please be aware of this closure and adapt your plans accordingly especially as we do not accept applications for activities that have already taken place

white module content 1 Frequently Asked Questions

I have an application in now with the Community Foundation, will it be affected by the closure?

No. We won’t stop working on applications we received before the closure but only if they were fully completed with all supporting documents supplied as requested. If the application was incomplete at the time we closed, it will be withdrawn and we will ask you to reapply when we reopen. 

If your application is in with all the relevant paperwork we will aim to get your grant processed and a decision made within our standard 12-week period. However please be aware that we may take slightly longer than this in some cases.


I want to apply to The 1989 Willan Charitable Trust, is this possible?

Yes, please go to

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