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Community Foundation achieves national quality accreditation

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The fifth round of the UK Community Foundations’ Quality Accreditation is now complete. Over the past year, the Community Foundation Tyne & Wear and Northumberland has had an audit of policies and procedures, compiled documents for external review and participated in interviews with an independent assessor. 

Rob Williamson, Chief Executive of the Community Foundation said: 

“We are delighted to have passed the UKCF Quality Accreditation process again, receiving an extremely positive report. We were especially pleased to be identified as exemplars of exceptional practice around our needs analysis and impact, and in our work on diversity, equity and inclusion.” 

The assessment, which was carried out by the independent consultancy, Ideas to Impact, evaluated the ongoing work and development of the Community Foundation against standards in governance, finance, philanthropy, grant-making, community participation and organisational development. 

Rosemary Macdonald, Chief Executive of UKCF added: 

“It is a mark of the commitment and diligence of our members that they have completed this rigorous accreditation process at the same time as distributing record-breaking levels of funding to their communities. The UKCF team is proud to support a network which reaches every part of the UK and whose good practice has been so clearly demonstrated throughout this process.”