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Active ageing through Golden Games

Older people’s basketball sessions powered by philanthropyhttps://www.communityfoundation.org.uk/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/123456.jpgcenterhttps://www.communityfoundation.org.uk/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/123456.jpgcentermodule_group modules Kellett Fund: Eagles Community Foundation

In 2018 the Community Foundation awarded the Eagles Community Foundation a two year grant of £29,000 per annum to allow them to introduce a programme of older people’s activities in their purpose built new basketball stadium and sports centre in the West End of Newcastle, along with a programme of engagement with older people who cannot access the facility by partnering with other groups and sheltered homes. They are now running regular sessions featuring a range of sports and exercise classes in the Eagles Centre and Boccia sessions are popular in residential and extra care facilities.

The group staged its first Golden Games open day in October, offering taster sessions in sports such as table tennis, walking basketball, chair exercise, mixed dance. They also invited local charities and groups which support older people to have stands in the foyer area, so that visitors could learn of other opportunities to play an active part in the community and gain useful information.

Neil Curry, the Active age Co-ordinator said: “The Kellett Fund has provided us with an amazing opportunity to engage with the 55+ population and without this funding we would have been unable to have delivered anything on the scale of what has been delivered so far”. Lorraine, one of the regular walking basketball group members felt there were multiple benefits as it was “a good work out and a great way of socializing”, and Anthony enjoyed, “the people, the coaching and the activity”.

For more information about Active Ageing at Newcastle Eagles visit https://newcastle-eagles.com/community/active-ageing/

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